Friday, April 17, 2009

Aching Pain Lower Left Abdomen

Workshop in Grand-Bassam

the occasion of HELINA 2009, RAFT coordinators met to take stock of the progress of the network and form the new VIPS training tool that will be deployed in partner countries. This is a patient simulator on the Internet, developed by Dr. Marc-Andre Raetzo and adapted to the reality of African hospitals to enable carers who are going to practice or engage in now, to confront the problematic situations, to develop operational strategies for optimal care.

To learn more about VIPS: https: / /

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Acl Meniscus Repair Pain


HELINA 2009, the 6th African Conference of Medical Informatics, held in Grand Bassam, Cote d'Ivoire from 16 to 18 April 2009. Organized by the Ivorian Company of Biosciences and Medical Informatics (SIBIM), chaired by Prof. Francis Somian EHUA focal point of RAFT for Côte d'Ivoire, HELINA 2009 conference theme was "Information technology and communication in health systems in Africa", that suggest the various facets Medical Informatics, eHealth and telemedicine and their roles in Africa. This Congress is preparing the global meeting to be held in September 2010 in Cape Town: MEDINFO 2010. For more information:

A delegation was received by the Minister of Health has stated its interest in and support the development of telemedicine Coast Ivory.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Colorado Crossbow Felon

Lunchtime seminar at the World Health Organization's headquarters

The RAFT IS Invited At The WHO headquarter's lunchtime seminar. SEVERAL groups have at WHO Collaborate With The RAFT, This Is The opportunity to Strengthen collaborations and Synergize. Currently collaborations include:
- the production, Since 2004, of distance education courses by the Department of Reproductive Health and Research, a project led by Dr. Heli Bathija,
- the production, since 2008, of distance education courses by the Global Challenge on Patient Safety, and in particular its program on hospital hygiene (Clean Care is Safer Care) led by Prof. Didier Pittet;
- a strategic collaboration with the eHealth Unit lead by Dr. Najeeb Al-Shorabiji,
- a collaboration with the WHO library and the Health-On-the-Net Foundation,
- a collaboration with the Global Observatory for eHealth and the International Medical Informatics Association.
At this occasion, new opportunities for collaboration have been identified, as well as the need for more coordination, Which Will Be Led by WHO's eHealth unit and "should result in a formal MoU Between WHO & the RAFT.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Search For Teddy Swoes

RAFT Arc-et-Senans

RAFT is presented as part of the visionary industrial city of Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans (eighteenth century), the seminar "Distance learning and Health" organized by Prof.. Thierry Moulin, University of Franche-Comte. Dr. Raetzo also presents the developments of the VIPS, the patient simulator used for operational training for GPs, being adapted to the reality of practice in hospitals District Sub-Saharan Africa.