because there are already some including Technorati / grozizi who had also run many comments and trackback (because it goes the commentary as the Titanic and Camembert, it flows).
Ptitbit offers a slightly different approach and defines its classification by the number and value of the nipples that point to a cock-up. Everything is well explained on the blog Ptitbit (beware this is not a ranking of hearing)
So what is the point that classification? The top 300 blogs are listed and there are more overall ranking by category: a category High-Tech and Politics class (with more to follow soon). This ranking is updated once a week. So to follow regularly ( Other Disclosure: rulesSo course and I used our high connections in plastic surgery to appear at the top of the table, obviously;) and also will not even sufficient to be number 1)
Bloggers are they interested in their rankings? What say you? Well I think so much. Very much the same. I hate to see also the buzz that will generate this ATP cocks.
can you classify the nothing?
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