Thursday, May 3, 2007

Velvetta Chicken Pasta

Lying more to earn more

Oulalala my friends! What carnage! I found the non-spineless terrifying! Terribly aggressive! A true psychopath! She made short work of the little sick body! What ashole (excuse me it's fatigue)! And when I say that, I do not irritate me! I'm just angry! Yet right up against the crib, it was a funny idea! Complain to the courts to register kid in his crib, we had not laughed so much since Balladur had taken the subway! No, but you saw! He could not put one! No respect for authority! It's all the fault of May 1968! Before women had respect for the balls! Now they believe everything possible! Had better keep the kids while their jules made Overtime! It's all the fault of the 35h! Nicolas still pained me! Huddled in his chair, he looked like an icicle that melted before our eyes! PPDA and who has not lifted a single hair Moumouth to help! Yet eyes wet as he launched Nicolas have since softened a CRS! Fortunately we have the Figaro and Europe 1 to give the change! Sarkozy won the debate! Yes sir! We had not seen such a hoax from that of the white lady ! This should allow us to spend Sunday! Come on, only a few days and France is ours!


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