Saturday, August 4, 2007

Animal Swallowing Fetish

Wal-Mart pays Mexicans teens $ 0 an hour

[unusual item]

Wal-Mart country Mexican teens $ 0 an Hour :
Cory Doctorow: Teenagers age 14 and above Wal-Mart uses to make purchases in bags gain nothing, only the tips. It is technically legal in Mexico.

Decidedly this country is full of surprises. Of course like any good anthropologist who respects himself, I am careful not to make any value judgments about the habits and customs of a culture that is not mine. Has anyone ever seen Levi-Strauss papouésiennes bend in front of young undressed? Well I like it, nobody sees the start of erection before any kind of social practice, neutrality and respect for otherness requires. Besides I am not a man to do politics: since more than thirty years, my neurons adhere to a strict duty of confidentiality and is not now that I tweet that will change.

Allow me nevertheless to thank my loyal readers whose humanism is not unlike that of the great slave traders of the eighteenth century Bordeaux. Not content to put a little spice in this no man's land of what became blogotrucmuche my blog, they say aloud what Sarkozy piss whispered :

"Strength does one of these young Mexicans to being remunerated only by tips? NO
So gentlemen who give lessons, respect their choice!
And if you really care about their fates, urging them , give them money etc. unless you are just jealous of the success of Walton. "

Delicious sobriety. Those who manage to sweep four lines without blinking an ass hair, 4000 years of civilization deserve my respect as an entrepreneur.

Or this tire marks :

"what should we think about all this? Solidarity Participatory could become the only source of income for some swing-cons or decline assistance-of-state "welfare"?

Participatory Solidarity reminds me Raffarin's blog (too soon. Pet to his soul). Go

next time I'll tell you the fabulous destiny of Iqbal Masih become a slave to ten years in a carpet factory and killed at age 12. A nice example of free choice and participatory solidarity.

together everything is possible


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