Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lacing Converse Double Uppers


They need us, thank you to those who work in order to revive the Androy

(main source : Monograph of the Region Androy - 2005)
Region Androy
Geographically located in the extreme south of Madagascar, the Androy region covers 19 540 km2. The region has four districts: Ambovombe-Androy Bekily, Beloha-Androy and Tsihombe, 51 municipalities and 881 fokontany.

Total population estimated in 2005 to 600 000 inhabitants characterized by a young population predominantly rural. Population growth rate: 2.7%: population will double in 25 years if no adequate family planning measure. Population mainly Antandroy, with non-negligible presence of other ethnic groups: Antanosy, Mahafaly, Merina and Betsileo.
Distribution and Population Density by District - District
Area by District / Region Number of common

Total Area km2

density km2 populationau

265 142 6617 40


135 513 5575 24


6 76 515 4667


7 71 248 2499


51 19 538 548 418

Many sources cite various indicators and the Region Androy as the poorest in Madagascar. At issue in particular semi-arid climate with an average rainfall of 400 mm poorly distributed in the year. There is a significant decrease in the intensity of precipitation in the area north to the extreme southern coastal area. Drought has a periodic variation every eight to ten years. Erratic rainfall, combined with variations and the importance of temperature variations, often promotes soil degradation. The region is subjected to a quasi-permanent presence of strong winds and searing South "Tiokatimo. Economy

This Androy knows that a chronic and severe availability and accessibility of water: source of disease, chronic food insecurity, migration, degradation of agricultural production capacity - in short, a source of increasing poverty.
capacity of agricultural production depends on the precipitation regime of the year. Recurrent episodes of kere ([kéré] = famine, famine) occurring in the region as soon as the rainfall decreases. The available
failing to be up to the needs, various institutions and structures are involved in the area.
In the fight against food insecurity, UNICEF and the World Food Programme working in nutrition. European cooperation and working within the French school canteens and improved seeds. The General Council of Eure has been working for ten years in education and support municipalities in collaboration with the French Association of Progress Volunteers in the District of Tsihombe.
A pipeline transferring water from rivers and Sampona Mandrare to major cities of the Androy work is being financed by the Japanese Cooperation, Swiss and European, coordinated by the Water Supply in South (AES)
remarkable addition to his involvement in microcredit and nutrition in the Androy, the NGO GRET has established in the region impluvia Androy and tanks in schools.
AES has entrusted the distribution of water operators economic get their supplies often at points of water pipelines. They carry water in carts and sold in different localities at a variable price depending on the villages and seasons.
kere During the 2006 - 2007, SoaMad established contacts in the Androy to identify solidarity actions to be undertaken. The proposals received from authorities and development actors have converged on the construction of wells in the common and Beloha Kopoky. No outside agency is working to supply water for people in these two municipalities. The basement contains sandy aquifers whose water is sweet according Evaluations undertaken in 2003.
During site visits in July 2007 and the surveys 'preliminary' populations have confirmed that the construction of wells corresponded to their priority needs. The District
an area of 6789 km2 includes 6 municipalities: Beloha, Tranoroa, Kopoky, Tranovaho, and Marolinta Behabobo.
The population was 108 390 inhabitants in the 2005 census. Population density: 15.96.
Common Beloha: 27 288 inhabitants - Common Kopoky: 18 601 inhabitants.
Most of the people of District Beloha are peasants who practice mainly subsistence farming.
dominant crops: cassava, sweet potato, cowpea (voanemba = pulses between beans and peas Bambara), or antsoroky mahafaly (lentils)
watermelon, melon, pumpkin, corn, KONOK (variety of vegetable in the same family that the pea is mainly grown in the Cape coast: Marolinta and Tranovaho)
For years, corn production is bad, people cultivate millet and sorghum. Other varieties of peas and beans Cape are only Marolinta.
Forest: Wooded area: 344 km2 - Products exotic raketa (cactus), guavas, mangoes, lamoty (jujube) baobab.
Ageing: In traditional heritage of their ancestors, they raise cattle and sheep and goats destined for local markets for current consumption. The sale of the hair of goats called "angora" and sheep "merino" is one of the activities of farmers and local artisans refueling Ampanihy West.
A portion of the population of the south coast from the mouth of the Menarandra Cape St. Mary, engaged in sea fishing. The products are intended for local consumption. Statistics
livestock animal

Cattle Sheep Pigs

Goats Poultry


150 13 225 12 100

34 200 40 400 12 102


10 400 23 100 35 600

City dwellers who are mostly workers, officials, traders, sellers or unemployed, were concentrated in a few more or less populated towns. The
Antandroy constitute the dominant ethnic group in the District 'for working people who treasure the livestock for the funeral at the end of life'. Then come Mahafaly Vezo, Antanosy, Antaisaka, Betsileo and Merina.
Industry and Crafts:
1. Huilerie Mazava : Staff = 08, = 04 manifolds. Commodities: Jatropha seeds (Atratra) produced jatropha oil, twine, soap, baking.
2. SEAR Agency - Société d'Exploitation Agricole Ranopiso collection of Atratra (Jatropha) and Trongatra (periwinkle) to Beloha-Androy.

A big thank you to Greg for the love and support he does with the Malagasy and respect he gives to beliefs Antandroy


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