Thursday, September 20, 2007

Changes In Cervical Mucus Before Period

Solotareff, Gregory




Gregory Solotareff is a French author and illustrator born in Alexandria in 1953.
Solotareff Gregory is the son of a Lebanese-born doctor and illustrator of Russian origin Lecaye Olga, born Solotareff. They left in 1956, Egypt for Lebanon. Then they settle in France under the name Lecaye.
Gregory Solotareff studied medicine and did his job, but wants dessiner.C is from 1985 that, under the leadership of Alain Le Saux , it will start to publish albums young children, series initiated by Theo and Balthazar (1985-1988), inspired by drawings of Jean de Brunhoff . Series succeeded him Baby Bear (1990-1991). His stories depict complex problems: the difficulty of growing up, assertiveness, conflicting desires: Do not call me anymore my little rabbit (1987), Loulou (1989), The Little Green Riding Hood (1989); One day a Wolf (1994) ...
His drawings are characterized by flat areas of pure color, sometimes shaped brush, always underlined with a thick line noir.Ses stories were illustrated by his mother, Olga Lecaye (Kuma the terrible, 1999; I'm lost; Do not worry, Jeremy, 2004), by Antoon Krings (Series family of Kiko and animals), and his sister known under the pseudonym Nadja (Mitch 1989; The Thief of toys, 1991, ...)
He also wrote stories for older children: The Girls Never Die (1988).égoire_Solotareff
Do you know the little green riding hood? No? It's normal, it does not invent enough nonsense to become a heroine children's books. Exasperated by the tall tales of Little Red Riding Hood, "Little Green Riding Hood" decides to lift the veil on what really happened that day when his famous foe and they went to visit their respective grandmothers ... A book written
Gregory Solotareff that distills its humor and good humor on Little Red Riding Hood by Perrault.

Little Green Riding Hood is a very nice girl, and courageous. She has an enemy, this dirty liar Petit Chaperon Rouge.La here on the way, she crosses the forest to visit her grandmother, her to bring food and medicine. Everything goes wonderfully well except that the grandmother has a big rhume.Oui, everything would be better, even with the wolf on the prowl, if there were not that fool of boastful of Red Riding Hood.
A book for kids who already love to read themselves.


The author and an excerpt:
Objectives: about the images with respect to clothing, facial expressions and intentions of people
Reading logs


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