Thursday, September 20, 2007

Your First Ice Skating Date




Yvan Pommaux
is undoubtedly more an author illustrator. The design is his passion since childhood.

Born September 13, 1946 in Vichy, he joined the Fine Arts. He then worked as a designer at an installer of stores and decided to join the capital where he worked at various odd jobs.
Soon School Recreation leave him his chance and allows him to work as a designer in the publishing house.
He appreciated the time when one could "learn about the latest" no need to show the required qualifications. Influenced by Maurice Sendak and American crime films, he decided to become an author-illustrator.
In 1972, he moved in Touraine with his wife Nicole and her two little girls. His first album was released in 1976, L'Aventure. His wife puts her albums in color.
They work both born à1991 and 1980 a series that will be successful. It depicts a couple in love crows, Corbelles Corbillo and animated by passion and jealousy. In 1985, he received the Grand Prize of the City of Paris for all of his work. A work
realistic but positive. Despite the vicissitudes and the misfortunes of those heroes, the stories always end well. However
Yvan Pommaux is not that writing and illustrating his own books. He works with Marie-Aude Murail, Marie-Anne and George Perec Chapouton, for which he illustrated his childhood memories in a book entitled: I remember.
Yvan Pommaux also carries comics but with a series of illustrated stories that he revisits in his own way by adopting a particular style between comics and children's books that Pommaux amazes us and reveals his talent.


John Chatterton must find a little girl dressed all in red. The path is strewn with clues: a red ribbon, a red belt, a red button ... A track that leads straight to a big bad wolf, of course. In a nod to a tale well known, at the same time as detective films to the atmosphere, this investigation great cartoon format gets a deserved success with small but also larger, because we can understand history on several levels.


sheet presentation providing an analysis of the structure. Educational fact sheet offers its discovery. Some tracks work for a reading expert and work on the album.

Presentation Form:

Teaching Pack:
http: / /

Pommaux and the fairy tale - Pommaux and reworking - A graphic style between the comic and the album - Some playback tracks: literary and artistic references -


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